Sunday, January 25, 2004

The dancing pink elephant.

You know what really gets to me, people who come storming down the hall. Our hall apparently holds two functions: 1) to get people to their rooms 2) It doubles as a practice for races. Need to learn to stay within the lines while running a race, I've got your answer. Just take a run down our only takes one run in with the wall to learn your lesson. Actually, to curb this annoying habit I've decided that whenever I hear the race begin down the hall I need to patiently stand by the door until that perfect moment comes where I can throw the door open and WHAM! I'm sure that would curtail the dancing pink elephants.

I think it is physically impossible for me to maintain any sort of order around my desk. I will clean it one day and 2 hours later it has returned to it's past state- organized clutter. See, I know where everything is, it just doesn't look pretty to the observer. Are looks really that important? I think not.

I've been fortunate enough this whole semester (two weeks)...I have yet to lose my id. Losing my id has sort of becoming something you expect to hear every few weeks or so. Me, "Guess what?" Random person, "You lost your id again." "How did you know?" So I am glad to inform everyone that I have not lost my id...yippeee. However, my id did take a spin in the wash the other day. In was in desperate need of a trip to the swirl-o-wheel; it's my id's favorite ride.

I'm so glad the pink elephant decided to dance for me, it's a rare pleasure to observe this great and astounding ritual. Almost as great as actually seeing a sea donkey....a.k.a. the donkey that lives by the sea. They are magical creatures~. Dirr.

Argggggg...I'm a pirate.


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