Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Hump Day

Wednesday has always been known as hump day for me. Once you get past Wednesday the rest of the week seems down hill…you’ve made if over the hump. Hump day could also refer to the day the camel grew its hump. Or it could refer to….never mind.

You know what frustrates me, at night when you are lying in bed and your pillow falls down. This really annoys me because my bed is so high up I can't just reach down and grab it....o no, that would be too easy. Instead, I have to get out of my comfy bed, under the warm covers, and bend all the way down to retrieve my pillow. Then I crawl back into bed and get frustrated because I've lost my comfy position and now have to get myself all readjusted again, which seems to take an eternity, for me at least. I need a pillow net or something, that way my pillow is blocked from falling to the ground...although I can see it causing me some trouble when I get up in the middle of the night...damn pillow net.

As many of you know I have an aversion to feet. I actually get really tense when I sense a foot coming within the designated safe distance zone, a half a meter or so. My heart starts beating faster and I focus solely on the movements of that hideous foot. Usually you will see me move away from this menacing foot, self-preservation at its best. I hate feet!

I also have this fear at night that I'm going to go to the bathroom and as I'm using the restroom a snake is going to just pop up in the toilet and bite me. This fear has gradually subsided as I've grown older, but there are still times when late night potty breaks cause me great distress. A thorough inspection of the toilet prior to using it is necessary. Even after this inspection, my fear is still present so I find that swiftness is the only way to go.

You know this blog was supposed to be about my favorite things and somehow it has turned into the things I hate. Yes, this is how my mind works on a regular basis. I have intentions to do one thing and by the end of it I have digressed into a completely different thing. If you're paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many cookies fit in an igloo?

A day without sunshine is like night.


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