Saturday, March 04, 2006

News and the such....

My trips to Indiana and Pennsylvania went well. I got accepted to both schools, but Pennsylvania is offering me a scholarship so I've decided to go there. In other news, I finally moved out and got a place of my own. Well, somewhat of a place of my own as Patrick is living here as well. So I guess it should be rephrased as a place of our own.

Work is good, but tiring at times. I like working with the kids but my brain is pretty much fried by the time I get home. My life is pretty much school, work, and sleep at the present moment. I wish at times I felt a little more energetic and motivated to do stuff, but alas, I do not.

Lost. No, not the television show. I think the word lost is a good way to describe how I've been feeling. I feel as though I've sort of stumbled off my track in life, but I can't seem to figure out where that stumble happened. Things are going well in my life but I still have this feeling that either something is missing or that something is not as it seems, or as I perceive it. I hope it is just a random feeling that will dissipate on it's own.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah, I love how it's introduced as such small news... I mean,

PATRICK IS LIVING HERE TOO! Whoooo hooo! Yeehaw!

That's more like it. Well, sorry guys for the unbridled use of "yeehaw". I know it was a bit much, but at least it gave me something to talk about.

Anyway, our living together has allowed us both to distribute the sky-high rent costs afflicting Orlandoans today. Anyone else need a place to stay? :) Uhh... just kidding.

- Patrick

2:09 PM  

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