Tuesday, February 01, 2005

What day is it...

I think I may be losing my mind. I've been so scatter-brained lately. I forgot to fill out this form that was due on monday and it is now tuesday. In lab I started to freak out because I thought today was thursday and that I wasn't going to have enough time to finish my project. But alas, it is tuesday...thank goodness. If that weren't enough I couldn't remember how to fold the filter paper in lab earlier today. I'm surprised I even remember to get dressed this morning...

So there is this internship in panama city working in a marine lab for about three months. It sounds really interesting, has a nice little stipend of 2000 a month, and I would get a chance to study fish...my favorite thing to do. So I think I'm going to apply for it and see what happens.

My senior presentation is approaching fast. Just about two weeks left....uuuggghhh.

My piano class is going great. I'm actually learning quite a lot and I'm starting to get the hang of it. Who knows, I may be the next beethoven...ya, I heard that laugh.

So I splurged tonight and went to wendy's to get those wonderful chicken strips. They really are my one true vice. I love those things.

I want to do something on spring break. However, said thing has to be reasonably cheap and lots of fun. For some strange reason I really want to go to Washington D.C. That sounds like a great spring break doesn't it?

I've become addicted to this really old, dumb cd....now 3. Yes, I know. But for some strange reason I just keep listening to the cd. I do skip over a great majority of the songs, but my one really bad addiction is to that song hey leonardo by blessid union of souls....whatever happened to them?

Saw that movie hide and seek the other night. Figured out the ending before the end came...I hate that. Not the best movie either.

Do you agree with this site... http://www.raspo12.com/ I'm going with no. I think she rocks!!

Hmm, that is all. Remember a day without sunshine is like night!


Blogger Me said...

Yeah, i feel lost lately too...have to keep asking what day it is. I agree with you, that site should be banned!

4:34 PM  

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