Wednesday, May 19, 2004


So I'm still at home, great fun right there. I'm still finishing up some stuff here so I won't officially be back at Stetson until next week some time. However, tomorrow I think I will be going out to Blue Springs to start on my and fishies...yippee! I'm so looking forward to actually starting my research. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

Life is pretty uneventful right now, I'm actually feeling like a bum. But sometimes uneventful periods in your life are exactly what you need.

I've been seriously considering getting my nose pierced. Yes, I've thought about this before, but this time I am actually really considering only live once right?

I think I've watched approximately 50 movies in the past week or so. While that may seem impressive most of the movies were movies I've already seen. For instance, the movie Emma has been on almost everyday, sometimes twice a day, and for reasons that remain a mystery I feel compelled to watch it everytime it is on. It's a cute movie but by no means a masterpiece and yet I cannot stop myself from watching it. Hello, my name is Serena and I'm a movieaholic...the first step is realization.

I must announce some sad news...Bob, my lovely plant, has entered plant heaven. The change of locations was just to much for him and he just withered away. Bob, you were a great plant...moment of silence.

My mom is at it again. It never fails that every couple of months or so my mom decides that it is her job to try and set me up with a guy. She really has good intentions but I will find someone on my own. Yes, all of the guys are sweet, and nice, and blah, blah, blah, but I'm not comfortable with the whole idea of being set up by my mom. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me?

Gosh I love cracker barrel. I think I could eat there everyday and never get tired of it. They have the best food and sweet tea...pure delight. I think I may have a slight obsession with it, but everyone has their obsessions right?

I got new glasses...yippee. I finally broke down and went to the eye doctor because I lost my last pair of glasses. I think I threw them away. So now I look really sophisticated with my new glasses, plus, my eyesight hasn't gotten worse. True I may be blind, but my blindness isn't getting worse...I see cracker barrel.

Why is it that whenever I come home I eat every imaginable piece of junk food. I come home and I gain 10 pounds...or maybe it's the new glasses.


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