Thursday, March 11, 2004

Bobtails and Frogger Lilies

Bob, my plant, is finally home and is actually still alive. Wooohooo Bob…you’ve made it to the one week mark. Can you make it two weeks? I will give you some good fertilizer if you do ::wink, wink::

Today I had the pleasure of witnessing a guy fall down while walking…it was great. He was walking and stumbled across some tricky leaves and wham, down he went. It was highly enjoyable. Now I know what I look like when I fall down…I’m glad I can entertain.

There are people out there who actually get paid to watch people pee in a little, plastic cup…

I have no talents. Jenny can touch her nose with her tongue, highly entertaining, Helen can wiggle her ears, so cute, and well I can fall down a flight of stairs with grace like no one else. Yippeee, I can do something.

Blogger rhymes with Frogger. Remember that game. Those were the days.

Can someone please explain this weather to me. It’s March and it is freezing cold. I think the weather missed the memo that it is spring time.

Why do I get so obsessed with a song? It never fails, I hear this one song that I love and immediately it is the only thing I will listen to. It’s on every hour of the day, and every second of the night. Do you think there is a problem when the song is in your dream? I’m asking for a friend….

O, this is one thing that irks me more than anything. When I go to a restaurant and I order a sandwich, I usually order it plain. The waitress always replies…want cheese on that? The whole plain concept still hasn’t caught on. Sort of like the does the everything bagel have onion on it?

I think we need to have tails once again. How great would that be. Long fluffy tails, or short stubby tails. Cute pigtails and turtle tails…awwweee. We could even learn to hang upside on trees…wait, I suppose we can do that with our legs, but tails are so much cooler. Sweet, chillin’ like a monkey.

Why is it that you feel rich when you actually have cash? It’s like whoa, I’ve got cash…I’m so loaded. Twenty minutes later…can I borrow a five, I’m poor.

The other night I was so stressed out that in the middle of the night I got out of bed and couldn’t for the life of me figure out what I got up for. I just stood there in the middle of the room so lost. I finally moved, got some water, and crawled back into bed. Strange…

There was this biologist who loved birds but absolutely hated snakes, probably because the snakes would eat the bird eggs. When I say hate I mean he would shoot the snakes in the trees, throw batteries from flash lights at them and go to extreme measures to kill the snakes. I think he had some issues. Anyway, my professor informed me that there is a special place in hell for people like that. He’s dead. Happy thoughts!


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