Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Turkey Day!!!

It's Turkey Day!! Wooohooo!

My old phone magically works again after a night of rest and drying out. Thus, I have everyone's number so no need to send them now. Good times!

Okay, I'm off to start the cooking of the glorious turkey. Have I mentioned I love turkey?

I Love Turkey!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

One of those days

So I woke up this morning feeling very sick. I spent a good chunk of the morning in the bathroom getting sick. Not fun!

I then started on my way to the eye doctor. However, I decided to stop at a gas station to get some crackers and some juice to snack on the way over there. So I go in and get my stuff and come out. It was then that I realized I had left my keys in the car. Thankfully, I had left one window cracked just enough to fit my arm in the window and grab my purse which had my keys.

If this wasn't enough I had to have one more thing happen. I went to the bathroom as I was waiting for my appointment and my purse somehow managed to fall into the toliet spilling everything including my cell phone. Needless to say it didn't work after that. Thus, I had to go and buy a new phone and I've also lost everyone's number as I never thought to actually put them somewhere besides in my phone. Thus, if you are reading this, I need your phone number again if you ever want me to call.

Oh, Happy Early Turkey Day! Back to bed I go.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Pokey Poke

Random text message I got from Aaron at 1:30 last night. "Omg. One of my neighbors is being arrested. The cops are beating down his door." At least this time it wasn't to tell me he had kicked a baby.

This happened about a month ago but I just remembered it so here it goes. I was sitting in traffic as that's what you do a lot of around here. Anyway, this guy next to me signals to roll down my window. So I do of course. He was looking for a place and so I gave him directions. However, he continued to talk to me about various things such as the weather, the space shuttle, and how he use to be a marine. Okay, that's great. Thankfully, the traffic moved and I said goodbye. I came home and told my mom about it and she said, o, he was trying to hit on you. In traffic I say. Her reply, "I once dated a guy I met in traffic."

Why does a witch burn? Because she's made of wood. Yes.

I have sparklers in my car.

I truly think that banana's are the easiest fruit. All you have to do is peel and eat. I love banana's. Somedays I can eat a good five or so. It gives knew meaning to the fact that people call me monkey.

Have you ever sat in bed and stared at the ceiling fan and tried to follow one blade as it makes it's course around the circle? No, me either.

Just because the guy driving next to you is egging you on does not mean it is a good idea to go 75 in a 45 zone. You might just end up with a $350 ticket.

My mom came and told me she just did a Serena. I stare at her with a confused expression. "What's a Serena?" O, I just hit my head when I was putting away the bleach under the sink. To understand this I must reveal something. About a month ago I was walking outside and I turned around to do something. I then turned back around and somehow managed to run head first into a metal pole. I was actually crying it hurt so bad and I still have this little indentation/scar from it. Reminds me of the time I broke my foot on the door.

So there is this fruit stand that will write messages such as "Kathleen Smith please come pick up your bad check" on their billboardy sign. This reminds me of the time I went with Helen to the "Adult" store. They had pictures of people who had tried to steal stuff and had put little captions underneath saying who and what they had stole. Good way to spoil someone's reputation...I think I may have just tarnished mine.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Who'd a thunk...

So in purusing my blog I realized a few things. One, I very rarely blog anymore. Two, I've abandoned my randomness which is to say really sad. Thus, I plan to rectify this in the coming future.

Why is it that cats can easily manuaver a window sill and a small puppy can not?

Why is it that my dogs absolutely love eating toliet paper?

I went to walmart about a week ago and was checking out when my cashier graciously informed me that she had had 27 shots in the last three days. I really could have done without that information.

Why am I so physically incapable of finishing one bottle of water before beginning another one? I literally end up with about 5 half filled bottles strategically placed around my room. Now, if that isn't bad enough my car has recently become victim to this as well.

I read an article that a lady had her eyeball eaten by ants. Can you say ouch!!! She was a diabetic so maybe the ants were drawn to the sugar...ughhhh

I have officially not killed the plant Helen's dad gave me over a year ago...Woohoo!

I love turkey day!

I also read that 1 in every 31 US adults in is prison. Can you believe that? Well maybe you can...

Only about 10% of people actually wash their hands correctly after using the restroom...ughhhh.

I think I may be reading too much.

I have three bottles of wine that i have had for about a year and a half now. Maybe now is a good time to drink it.

Don't you hate when you have to write an essay for something and they give you a word limit and you go over by like 8 words and you have to frantically search for 8 words to murder. You must die with the stroke of my pen...or keyboard in my case but I like the pen better.

I wonder if my dogs are secretly conspiring against me.

Dogs do not know how to obey personal space. Coconut thinks the only way to get close and show affection is to either sit on your head or pound on your stomach until you scream. I secretly think she likes when I scream at her because she gets really excited and starts running around. She also invades nayla's personal space all the time. She gets a growl and sometimes a quick nip but thinks it is all in fun...that is until she really gets bitten and comes to sit on my head and whimper.

I was coming home the other night and as I was driving down my street I saw this white thing jump. I got closer and realized it was a cat. A little closer and I realized it was stubby. A little closer and I realized it was stubby jumping because he was playing with a snake and had almost gotten bit. Only my animals would be this dumb.

That is all for now.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Got an official PCO(Pennsylvania College of Optometry) interview invite in the mail today despite the fact I have even turned in my essays. I'm guessing thats a good thing. That is all for now!