Thursday, January 27, 2005


I have this crazy addiction to the chicken strips at wendy's. I literally crave these things at least once a day. I have a feeling they put some highly addictive chemicals in them or something. What other possible explanation can there be.

High blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Sounds like a great idea to me. Any high blood pressure sufferers??

Ziggy is still alive. Hurray! I having a feeling this plant will live for a very long time.

The past few days I've had this horrible time remembering how to spell words and even the simple act of speaking. Last night I sat at my computer for a solid minute trying to remember how to spell properly. It's a tricky word.

Did you know that know someone in jail you can look online and find their file? At least this is what I've been told.

It appears that once I graduate, which hopefully I do because I did not realize I had to apply to graduate this early in the semester so I'm going tomorrow and I hope I can still apply, I will be living with jenny and helen in orlando somewhere possibly close to wendy so I can finally see her again. Party time!!

I was in lab today firing my crucible and the lid of the crucible popped off, landed on a piece of paper, starting burning the paper because the crucible was red hot, and almost started a fire. I really do not enjoy chemistry labs.

If one more person asks me what I'm doing after I graduate I think I may volunteer for the high blood pressure remedy.

My obession with pretzels has once again started. I've been craving them and everytime I run out I feel as though I've lost a valuable part of me. The preztel addiction has begun.

I'm so proud that I've started taking my vitamins again. Only time I remember to take them is right before bed. Anyone else find that strange?

Ants are in my pants....literally! We have been infested with the family of Mr. Rogers once again. They are slowly taking over everything. Mr. Rogers says will you be my neighbor and I say...hell no. This is my neighborhood, move along.

Friday, January 21, 2005

A plant to call my own

First off, I would like to thank helen's dad, as well as helen, for the lovely new plant I have. Not only that, but this plant is a good fit for me because it really doesn't need to be watered a lot, something that seems to slip my mind a lot when caring for plants. Thus, I think me and Ziggy will get along quite well. I've decided to retire the Bob's....I think the name Bob jinxed my success with plants. At least that's what I like to tell myself.

Secondly, my senior presentation will be on Thursday, Feb. 17th at approximately 4 pm in 25L (The room under the library). Everyone is welcome to come...I'm extremely nervous so please take that into consideration.

I went out to Blue Spring thursday to start my independent study. It was a blast aside from the freezing cold temperatures outside. I got to swim with the manatees which was a lot of fun as well. I really do enjoy going out in the field and doing stuff.

I went down to Barnes & Nobles tonight to get out and do some stuff and I sat down and basically read this book about the healthcare system here in the US. I figured it would be good to get some info about my possible future career. I was appalled at how bad things have gotten and unfortunately reform is probably not going to happen because of all the money the politicians get from large insurance companies and such. If nothing else it made me just want to get into the healthcare industry so that I can reform it in some way. I think I may be a dreamer in that regard.

Went to the art exhibition tonight and was very impressed with most of the stuff there. I really liked Dan's pick-up sticks piece, or at least that's what it reminded me of. Good times!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Bastard Eggs

So I had my first day of classes today. My invertebrate zoology class looks like fun as well as my piano class. However, the analytical chemistry isn't looking very good. First, she tried to easy our worries by saying the horror stories we heard are not true. Then she raises the projector screen to reveal a single sentence written on the board...Be prepared for the semester from hell. Always a good start to a class.

When I went home for the break I discovered my original nintendo in my closet along with like six games. Good times. I just need to find a new power cord and I should be up and running in no time.....go nintendo!!!

I saw helen the past two nights in a awesome is that. Plus, she finally went to the eye doctor and has new glasses that look really good on her. I'm so proud. She is now an official member of the super secret four eyes club. Welcome!!

I bought jenny a turtle for christmas. However, I put the said turtle in with my two turtles until I was able to give the turtle to her. She told today that her turtle is laying/excreting white gooey things that might possibly be turtle eggs. My turtles appear to have knocked up jenny's turtle. The bastards.

I went to a project hope meeting tonight and there is this one girl who isn't the sharpest crayon in the box. Norma, our team leader, went around asking people if they wanted a doughnut hole. When she got to said dull crayon she asked if they were homemade....who makes homemade doughnut holes. Jeez...

For invertebrate zoology I get to collect bugs. How much fun is that. I get to collect them, kill them, and then pin them in place so I can display my beautiful creatures. Did anyone see that movie silence of the lambs....

Goal for this a better blogger!!

Sad news...bob jr, the son of bob the plant, has died. Unfortunately, the whole watering the plant is a tougher job then one would think. I'm in the market for a new plant because jenny gave me plant pokes for christmas. I can't let those go to waste. A cactus has been suggested to replace the bob's, but I don't think I want a cactus. We'll see what I end up with.